CC Enterprises is one of the popular pet shops and dog breeders in Mysore. We are committed to meeting your needs, whether you are thinking about a puppy or any animal as a new family member or if you want to refresh your existing breeding stock with a new bloodline or just want to breed your favorite animal as a hobby.
Some of the breeds available here are Pug, Labrador, Boxer, Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Dalmatian, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Pomeranian, Doberman and Mudhol Hound. The prices of the pups and dogs are determined by the quality of the pups, the bloodline, age and growth.
Our Mission is to provide high quality pets to Serious Animal Lovers. We accomplish this by working only with Top Class Breeders and offering a wide variety of breeds. We value Honesty and High Ethical Standards and offer the most complete and Hassle-Free Service possible |